Terms and Conditions

Investing and Trading in stock market is risky. It Involves both profit and loss, Due to leverage both profit and loss are exaggerated, our research service gives research alerts for trading ideas in which both target and stop loss is mentioned, however execution of trade is solely the responsibility of the client. We DO NOT provide any trade execution services. All our research alerts are to be considered only as a reference tool and clients should not consider our research alerts as Personal Investment/Trading Advice in any condition. We DO NOT take any responsibility for any losses that the User may incur.

By accessing this website, you agree to be governed by the terms and conditions listed below. We have the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Your continuing use of (optionsmoney.in) implies that you agree to any new or modified terms and conditions that we may impose. Please return to our site’s ‘Terms of Use’ page from time to time to remain up to date on any changes we may make. Throughout this Terms of Service agreement, the phrase ‘Options Money’ refers to the website, its owners, and the owner’s employees and affiliates.

* We do not provide any guaranteed profit services or Fixed Returns on investments in the securities market since they are subject to market risk.

*Before obtaining Expert Advice or any other services from Options Money, clients should read the company’s disclaimer, terms and conditions, and refund policy. We do not accept advisory fees in any personal or individual bank account; any payment made should be made in the name of Options Money.

*Investing and trading in the stock market is a high-risk endeavor. Profit and loss are both involved. Due to the exaggeration of profit and loss due to leverage, our advisory service provides trading guidance in which both goal and stop loss are indicated; nevertheless, trade execution is exclusively the responsibility of the customer.


By registering, you confirm that any information you submit, now and in the future, is accurate. Options Money reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny you access to this website or any portion thereof without notice for the following reasons: (a) immediately by Options Money for any unauthorized access or use by you; (b) immediately by Options Money if you assign or transfer (or attempt to assign or transfer) any rights granted to you under this Agreement; and (c) immediately if you violate any of the other terms and conditions of this User Agreement.

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I consent to receive newsletters on a regular basis.


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Options Money, as well as the design and information on this site, are valuable and exclusive property of Options Money, and nothing in this Agreement shall be regarded as transferring or assigning any such ownership rights to you or any other person or organization. All information on Options Money is the sole and exclusive property of Options Money and may not be reproduced for any reason other than Options Money. You agree not to repeat or rebroadcast any of the suggestions given on Options Money in any manner for any purpose. You agree that if you repeat or re-post any of Options Money’s suggestions, you will be responsible for actual and punitive damages as decided by Options Money, as well as extra damages as determined by an Indian court of law.

You may not resell, disseminate, broadcast, or transfer the information, or use it in a searchable, machine-readable database, unless Options Money has separately and clearly permitted such usage in writing. Options Money, any part thereof, or any of the information received or accessed therefrom, may not be rented, leased, sublicensed, distributed, transferred, copied, reproduced, publicly displayed, published, adapted, stored, or time-shared to or through any other person or entity unless separately and specifically authorized in writing by Options Money prior to such use. Furthermore, except as set out below, you may not remove, change, or obscure any copyright, legal, or property notices in or on any components of Options Money without prior written authority. Any other use of the information on this site requires the prior written approval of Options Money and may be subject to a fee.


Options Money (including its directors, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, or subcontractors) will not be liable for any loss or liability resulting, directly or indirectly, from delays or interruptions caused by electronic or mechanical equipment failures, telephone interconnect problems, defects, weather, strikes, walkouts, fire, acts of God, riots, armed conflicts, acts of war, or other similar causes. Options Money has no responsibility for providing you with access to (optionsmoney.in) when it is unavailable due to any such cause.


You clearly accept that your use of the website is entirely at your own risk. This website’s contents, information, software, goods, features, and services may contain inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. The following materials are updated on a regular basis. Options Money and/or its respective providers have the right to make modifications and/or enhancements to this website at any time. This website may be momentarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance, telecommunications outages, or other disturbances.

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In no event shall Options Money and/or its affiliated entities be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this website or with the delay or inability to use this website, or for any contents, information, software, products, features, and services obtained through this website, or otherwise arising out of the use of this website, whether based on contract, tort, strenuous negligence, or otherwise.


Options Money strictly adheres to Trading Principles and Stop Loss Policy, whereby customers agree by default not to do/enter any transaction without a Pre Informed/ Defined Stop Loss. If you trade against the stop loss policy, you will be solely liable for the consequences, and Options Money will have no obligation in this regard. We also encourage that you

do not trade on staff recommendations outside of the scope of our employment. If you do, you will be solely responsible for any losses, and Options Money will not be held liable.


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You accept that the information supplied by Options Money is derived from sources outside of

Options Money’s control. Though the parties accept that such material is typically trustworthy, they note that inaccuracies may arise, and Options Money does not assure the consistency or usefulness of the information. As a result of this, as well as the potential of human and mechanical mistakes and other variables, you agree that Options Money is offered to you “as is, with all faults.”

Options Money expressly disclaims any and all warranties of any kind to users and/or any third party, whether express, oral, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including any implied warranties of consistency, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, as well as any warranties arising from custom of trade or course of dealing, and any implied warranties of title or non-infringement. Furthermore, Options Money offers no endorsement of any specific securities, market player, or brokerage by presenting the information. Furthermore, Options Money makes no representation or warranty that it will fulfill your demands or expectations.

Under this User Agreement, you accept full responsibility for any mistakes and/or omissions in Options Money, including information transfer or translation. You accept full responsibility for implementing sufficient procedures and checks to meet your requirements for the consistency and suitability of Options Money, including the information, as well as for maintaining any means necessary for the reconstruction of lost data or subsequent manipulations or analyses of the information under the User Agreement.

You agree that Options Money (including its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, group companies, agents, representatives, or subcontractors) will not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use Options Money for any reason. Options Money and its affiliates, allies, officers, directors, employees, and agents shall have no responsibility to the user and/or any third party in tort, contract, or otherwise.


You may exit Options Money by using the links on this page. Options Money has no control over the linked websites. Options Money has not verified or authorized these sites and is not responsible for their contents or omissions, or for links contained in a connected site. The inclusion of any linked site does not constitute endorsement of the site by Options Money. A different agreement governs third-party links to Options Money.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Options Money (including its and their officers, directors, employees, affiliates, group companies, agents, representatives, or subcontractors) harmless from any and all claims and losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of or related to: (a) your access and use of Options Money; (b) any non-compliance by user with the terms and conditions hereof; or (c) any third-party actions related to users. Any invalid clause shall be regarded as severable and shall have no bearing on the legality or enforceability of the remainder. Only in writing, signed by Options Money, may these conditions be altered.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Options Money (including its and their officers, directors, employees, affiliates, group companies, agents, representatives, or subcontractors) harmless from any and all claims and losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of or related to: (a) your access and use of Options Money; (b) any non-compliance by user with the terms and conditions hereof; or (c) any third-party actions related to users. Any invalid clause shall be regarded as severable and shall have no bearing on the legality or enforceability of the remainder. Only in writing, signed by Options Money, may these conditions be altered.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Options Money (including its and their officers, directors, employees, affiliates, group companies, agents, representatives, or subcontractors) harmless from any and all claims and losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of or related to: (a) your access and use of Options Money; (b) any non-compliance by user with the terms and conditions hereof; or (c) any third-party actions related to users. Any invalid clause shall be regarded as severable and shall have no bearing on the legality or enforceability of the remainder. Only in writing, signed by Options Money, may these conditions be altered.


This User Agreement is the parties’ only agreement, and no other agreement, written or oral, exists between you and Options Money. By accessing the Options Money information, you accept full responsibility for any and all gains and losses, financial, emotional, or otherwise, that you experience, suffer, or incur.

Options Money does not guarantee the consistency, completeness, or timeliness of the views, opinions, or recommendations stated in the Information, and does not offer investment advice or promote the purchase or sale of any securities or investment by you or any other individual.

The Information is not intended to offer tax, legal, or financial advice, which you should get from your professional adviser before making any of the investments indicated in the Information. The material does not represent a solicitation of the purchase or selling of securities by the information providers, Options Money, or others.

The service is provided “as is,” with no explicit or implied guarantee of any kind, including any warranty for information, data, services, uninterrupted access, or goods delivered via or in conjunction with the service. Options Money specifically disclaims any and all warranties, including, but not limited to: (i) any warranties concerning the availability, consistency, usefulness, or content of information, products, or services, and (ii) any warranties of title, non-infringement, and merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

This liability disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, or any other cause of action. Neither Options Money nor any of its employees, agents, successors, assignees, affiliates, group companies, or content or service providers shall be liable to you or any other third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from use of the service or inability to gain access to or use the service, or any breach of any warranty.

The following restriction may not apply to you because some countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of responsibility for consequential or incidental damages. In such countries, Options Money, its employees, agents, successors, assignees, affiliates, group businesses, and content or service suppliers’ liability is limited to the amount specified by law.


All disputes, differences, and questions of any kind that arise between the parties to this agreement at any time regarding the construction of or relating to anything contained in or arising out of this agreement, or as to the rights, duties, or liabilities under it or the parties to it, shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Managing Director of Options Money will designate the single Arbitrator. The Arbitration Proceedings will take place in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The arbitration will be held in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The parties’ arbitration proceedings shall be governed solely by the laws of India.


Both parties agree that all claims, differences, and disputes, including any agreements, contracts, and transactions made with reference to anything incidental to or in pursuance thereof, or relating to their validity, construction, interpretation, fulfillment, or the rights, obligations, and liabilities of the parties thereto, and including any question of whether such dealings, transactions, MOA, or contracts have been entered into or not, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Mumbai only.